To vote for Cameron’s Coasters, please follow the link below. This will take you to an Aviva Community Fund page where you can place your votes and also learn more about Cameron’s Coasters and why we would like your support.
Voting is open until noon on Tuesday 21 November and we need every vote possible to get to the final. After voting, would you please share the voting link and encourage others to vote and share in turn?
Everyone in the UK can register in the Aviva Community Fund; there is no age restriction, or “only one per household” restriction, so everyone in the family can vote. Every voter gets 10 votes and is free to give all 10 to a single project – please choose Cameron’s Coasters!
To date we have sent out over 350,000 Coasters to 66 universities, 11 schools, 4 GP Practices, Poole NHS Mental Health, Ricoh Arena and Wasps Rugby Club, other local sports clubs, IBM, West Midlands Police Federation and the White Lion, our local pub. But there is so much more to do and we are asking for your votes to help us win £5,000 funding from Aviva. We will use this to get 100,000 more customised Coasters into 50 universities, schools, colleges and other places where young people meet in the Midlands and around the UK. Many thanks, Carol & Evan