Donate or Fundraise for Cameron Grant Memorial Trust

The work we do to spread awareness about young suicide and the importance of good mental health is supported entirely by donations and charitable grants. Every donation of any size helps us raise awareness and deliver education.

Donate to Cameron Grant Memorial Trust

If you would like to make a donation, please visit our donation page at TotalGiving*. (You can also make donations via the Donate button at the top of our Facebook page, on the Toucan app and at GiveWheel)

Fundraise for Cameron Grant Memorial Trust

If you would like to fundraise for Cameron Grant Memorial Trust, please create a fundraising page at TotalGiving*.

It is also possible to create a fundraiser for Cameron Grant Memorial Trust within Facebook at

Donate Leftover Currency!

Please dig around at the back drawersa and cupboards and donate all these odd bits of leftover currency to us via this link and Leftover will donate the full exchange amount to us plus 5%!

Buy from our webshop!

Please use our webshop for merchandise like t-shirts, running vests and baseball caps. We also sell Christmas Cards and Calendars in the webshop towards the end of each year.

eBay for Charity

Please support Cameron Grant Memorial Trust by adding a donation during checkout when you buy on eBay and/or by donating a percentage of sales when you sell on eBay. You can select Cameron Grant Memorial Trust as your favourite charity on eBay here.


Cameron Grant Memorial Trust is registered as a charity with the PayPal Giving Fund. PayPal does not charge you or us a fee for donations. Please remember to add full Gift Aid details where applicable!


Facebook also recognise Cameron Grant Memorial Trust as a charity so you can donate to us on Facebook (eg, via the Donate button on our Facebook page). At present, like PayPal, Facebook does not charge any fee on donations so we get the full amount of all donations. Please remember to add full Gift Aid details where applicable! You can also create a Facebook Fundraiser to benefit Cameron Grant Memorial Trust as an alternative to, or in addition to, a TotalGiving page.

Very many thanks

* TotalGiving is very much like JustGiving for everyone who makes a donation or creates a fundraising page. But, for us as a charity, it is much better because TotalGiving charges no fees and donations made come immediately to Cameron Grant Memorial Trust; they don’t get held first at TotalGiving and then paid to us in arrears.

We are charged a small fee for online donations by the payment providers (GoCardless, Stripe and PayPal). This is around 1.75%. There is no fee from TotalGiving.