HiAMS Calendar

If you use Google Calendar, you can click “Add to Google Calendar” (at the bottom of the embedded calendar above) to see the HiAMS Calendar in your own Google Calendar.

Anyone can follow this link to view the HiAMS calendar in a browser

This is the link to subscribe to the HiAMS calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/c_70f2df66b8f915d763932aec5e0b48e72f34a8e86c9c93cfcf6edec65b070e2e%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics

When you subscribe to a calendar (Apple refers to “New Calendar subscription”, Outlook talks of adding a calendar using “Subscribe from web”) you can see the events in your calendar and they will update when altered (eg, when the time and date of a training ride is fixed) but update can lag by up to 24 hours. (If you import the calendar via the basic.ics file this is a one-off import and events into your calendar and the events will not update.)