12 Mar 2017

Look After Your Mate workshops at RHUL

Many thanks to Molly Austen at Royal Holloway, University of London, who sent us this wonderful quote after running a Look After Your Mate workshop:

Just to let you know I ran a Look After Your Mate workshop last night and had such incredible feedback. The students said they found it invaluable and that it should be delivered to everybody attending University so I wanted to say a huge thank you again to you and Cameron’s charity for funding it. It really is making a difference, so thank you!

The workshop forms part of the Look After Your Mate Campaign run by Student Minds, and Cameron Grant Memorial Trust was delighted to fund Molly to go on a “train the trainers” course at Student Minds last November. Congratulations and many thanks to Molly who has now run 4 workshops at RHUL. If you are interested in being trained to deliver the workshop on your campus, please contact us on

