Our Families Our Future: CGMT at Sidney Stringer Academy on 3 May
Carol and Frances will have a CGMT stand at the Our Families Our Future Event at Sidney Stringer Academy in Coventry on 3 May. They will have Cameron’s Coasters, and information about improving and protecting mental health in young people. We look forward to meeting many pupils, parents and staff.
In addition to CGMT, the following organisations are taking part: Sky Blues in the Community, Compass, Kikit, West Midlands Fire Service, Relate, Princes Trust, Hillfields Youth Centre, Say No To Drugs, Valley House, Coventry Recovery Partnership, United Nations Association, CRASAC, Refuge, Refuge, Barnardos, CW Recovery, Wasps, Samaritans, Coventry Cynrenians, O2 / NSPCC, City College, Whitefriars, Mind, MGTS, O2, Street Aware.
Our Families Our Future is supported by the West Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit (find them here on Facebook), Coventry Police (on Facebook & Twitter), West Midlands Police (on Facebook & Twitter) and other partners.
I have attached the poster for the event produced by pupils from Sidney Stringer Academy.
Many thanks, Evan Grant