It’s a good day for a Night Walk!
The forecast is for a clear, dry evening – just what we want for a great Night Walk! Hope to see lot’s of you tonight at the Fentham Hall from 6.45pm. Here is some final guidance for those taking part:
Notes for Night Walkers
Please wear light coloured and clothing, and use any “high vis” or “dayglo” jackets or reflective bands you may have – this helps with seeing each other in the dark, and makes you more visible to car drivers.
Headtorches – we have lots to give out, but if you have your own and can bring it with you, it will reduce costs to Cameron’s Trust. Remember to check your batteries.
Feel free to decorate yourselves with glow sticks, fairy lights, etc – make yourself glow! We will have some glow sticks available at the start but I am sure you can do better.
Arrival & directions: parking will be limited. If you are able to, please walk to the start so we avoid having cars parked all over Hampton. The walk will be taking place from Fentham Hall, Hampton in Arden.
Start & end location: this year, as last year, the Night Walk will start from, and end in, the Arden Room of the Fentham Hall. This is the modern part of the Fentham Hall, “behind” the main building. From the road entrance to Fentham Hall Car Park off Marsh Lane, go towards The Beeches, then turn right, keeping Fentham Hall on your left. Turn left at the end of the Hall, and you will see the entrance ahead on your left
Route details: we’ll give you a map of the route and guidance notes when you check-in at the start; if you’d like to have a look in advance, you can see them and download them from this webpage. You can also see the route online at My ViewRanger. You can download the route to the free ViewRanger apps for iPhone and Android, and you can also download a GPX file to use in other apps if you wish from My ViewRanger.
Registration: everyone must register on arrival. You may arrive to check in to the walk from 6.45pm and can start the walk any time between 7 and 8pm. You MUST also check in at two points around the route (these will be indicated on the map you will be given at the start) and check out at the end – failure to do so will cause us to have minor heart attacks and we WILL come to look for you – please help us by checking in and out at the correct places.
What to wear: weeds and brambles are still present and it will be damp in places, with a few of wet patches (as of 30 Sep). We expect that it will be cool, but not cold. Make sure to wear long trousers to protect your legs and we suggest walking boots or wellingtons rather than trainers (you will get wet feet if you wear trainers!). By and large, the path is not particularly muddy but the footpath does cross some fields, and some may be ploughed just before the walk. Please make sure your footwear and other clothing will cope with this. Shoes with any kind of heel or smooth soles are not appropriate and should not be worn. Above all, be comfortable and supported in your footwear.
We will be walking the route on the afternoon of 6 Oct and will give advice at check-in about any significant changes. Last year one of the corn fields was harvested during the walk. If you see combine harvesters, or any other farm machinery out and about, please use common sense to keep safe, and take care to keep yourself visible using your headtorches and any other lights you have with you.
Dogs: dogs are very welcome to walk with you but please be a responsible dog owner: clear up after your dog, and please keep your dog on a lead all the time.
Photographs: please bring your camera to take pictures of the event. We would love to see them afterwards, and you can send them to us at We will also have a photographer taking pictures so, if you don’t want to give permission for us to use any picture you may appear in for publicity, please let us know.
Walkers aged 15 & under should all be walking with a responsible adult – we will check this at registration, so please be aware of this requirement.
You are taking part at your own risk: we have checked the route twice, and will walk it again on the afternoon of 6 Oct. The route is safe to use, but you must make your own assessment based on your own abilities. It is not a hard route but you will be out in the countryside where paths are not paved and mud and water exist. Please be aware that the usual risks of walking in the countryside will be present during the Night Walk, and that you will have to work harder to see them in the dark. Take extra care when walking over muddy ground or stiles that you need to climb over and look out for overhanging branches or overgrown weeds. Also pay special attention to the wooden bridges – some are just planks over ditches – which can be very slippery.
Equipment to bring with you: please make sure each walker has the following in a suitable backpack / bag:
- The mobile phone with the number you registered with – and make sure it is charged! This is so we can contact you, or you can contact us, if need be on the night.
- Appropriate clothing, including waterproofs
- Headtorch – as above, we have lots to give out, but if you have your own and can bring it with you, it will reduce costs to Cameron’s Trust. Remember to check your batteries.
- Reading Glasses – bring these if you will need them to read the map or the route description
- Any medications the walker may require
- Water / drinks and other refreshments as you go around, and please don’t forget to take all your waste home with you.
Have fun! We are running this event to raise awareness of mental health issues and to highlight some simple steps people can take to keep minds and their bodies fit and active. Being active outdoors is a great way of keeping fit, and walking in the dark adds an extra dimension. So please take care, but enjoy it.
The bar will be open in the Fentham Hall after the walk. We encourage everyone to stay and share stories of the evening’s trek in the dark.
Evan & Carol Grant
PS anyone who wants to make a donation to Cameron’s Trust for the Night Walk can do so here at TotalGiving: 3RD NIGHT WALK FOR CAMERON