HiAMS Calendar
Follow this link for the HiAMS Calendar showing dates for meetings, training rides and the ride to Amsterdam itself.
18 Jan meeting at The Hampton:
Gudiance on creating and editing a fundraising page is included in the 18 Jan slides above. The main links are:
- Create a fundraising page: www.totalgiving.co.uk/fundraise/cameron-grant-memorial-trust?pageAppeal=11951
- Cover Images: www.camgrant.org.uk/hiams-tg-cover-images
- Example page (Evan’s): www.totalgiving.co.uk/mypage/hiams-for-cam
- Donate to support all riders: www.totalgiving.co.uk/appeal/hiams/donate (but please encourage your friends to donate on your own page😀)
We seek corporate sponsors to support our ride from Hampton-in-Arden to Amsterdam
- Please see – and share – this Sponsorship Guide